
By Katherine Villyard

Love Stories

a short fiction collection

What is love? What can love drive us to do?

In these stories, love pushes us to revenge, to reach beyond the boundaries of life and death. To rescue a family member. To fight the good fight without even knowing it, or to risk everyone and everything to save someone who may or may not be worthy. To make the wrong decisions and walk into hell. To transcend who we are.

Love can make us both the best and worst versions of ourselves.



Katherine Villyard

Katherine’s parents met singing opera and started taking her to choir practice when she was six weeks old. She attended four elementary schools and four high schools before getting master’s degrees in art and library science. So naturally she works in IT, abusing SQL Server for fun and profit. When she’s not working or writing, she’s probably playing the Sims or spoiling cats.
Her greatest ambition is to rule the world.

Published Books

Published Short Stories

years in SFWA

Other Publications

Broad Spectrum; The 2012 Broad Universe Fiction Sampler

Twenty-nine excerpts and complete short stories from members of Broad Universe, an organization promoting women in genre fiction: fantasy, horror and science fiction.

Fantastic Stories of the Imagination,January 2015 #224

Fantastic Stories of the Imagination, edited by Hugo and Wold Fantasy Award nominated editor Warren Lapine, brings you the very best in science fiction and fantasy. Join us as we explore strange new worlds.

Alien Abduction; Collected Short Fiction

Herein you’ll find thought-provoking, wondrous, hopeful, frightening, and deeply human tales on the themes of alien and abduction. Such stories have been with us far longer than most realize, perhaps for thousands of years, challenging humankind’s very position in the cosmos.


Katherine Villyard’s LOVE STORIES blazes across space and time and includes an array of futuristic short stories linked by the theme of love and the drama it can provoke. The stories, populated by mortals, Gods, wizards and androids, vary in time and their fantastical settings. Each blends plot and character into an imaginative array that will dazzle readers.


Upcoming Events

August 8 – 12, 2024

WorldCon • Glasgow, Scotland

The World Science Fiction Convention (Worldcon) is an annual international gathering of science fiction and fantasy fans, writers, artists, musicians, and creators. First held in New York City in 1939, Worldcon visits a new city around the globe each year and is organised by a different group of dedicated volunteers who participate in a bidding process that is open to any group that meets a small number of technical regulations.

The longest running Science Fiction convention in the world, Worldcon originally focused on only Science Fiction and Fantasy. While both remain important, Worldcon continues to grow with each year of its celebration; now including genre television, films, animation, role-playing and table-top gaming, video games and other popular media as well. Since the mid-1970s, Worldcons have had an average attendance of 4,000-5,000 fans, with more or less depending on the host city.

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Short Fiction

In this short fiction teaser for my novel in progress, Ludwig, a young 18th century German nobleman, is betrayed and turned into a vampire. He must face an ancient evil—including an evil that has taken root inside him—and learn who he really is.

My Writing Blog

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Thoughts on Writing Witches and Wizards

Thoughts on Writing Witches and Wizards

Like the vampire post, I’m going to open by asking you to consider the relationship between magic and religion. Are your witches and wizards members of a pagan (or neopagan) religion? Are they Satanists straight out of the Malleus Maleficarum? (Er, maybe they...

Thoughts On Writing Vampires

Thoughts On Writing Vampires

Probably the first thing that one should consider in writing vampires is what rule system you intend to follow. This is not a universal, as the Sims 4 Vampires pack knows. (Yes, I'm a Simmer!) Some considerations: What will be their relationship with religion? In...

Saving Alan Idle

Saving Alan Idle

In the beginning, there was darkness.  And in the darkness were the words.  And the words were, AI process starting.

He didn’t know who or where he was.  He just knew he was alone, in the dark.  And the dark was frightening.  And the words were comforting.

Starting random seed.

He wondered if he was hungry.  Thirsty.  Tired.  Dead.  He didn’t think so.

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